Tue. May 7th, 2024


Well, I don’t have my MAGA hat yet and I don’t think I’m likely to get one. After all, Trump’s true colors are starting to show. I voted for President Trump. I like his style. I like some of the things he has done; but you know what they say: ‘actions speak louder than words”. In Trump’s case his inaction’s speak as loudly as his actions. So many love the idea of ‘Make America Great Again’ but what does that mean? I can assure you that everyone’s MAGA is not the same. My own MAGA is not an idea of a country whose mission is to kick ass and take names; that’s the Deep State plan.
Sure, Trump has done some good things that many like, such as his efforts to control the mass immigration into the U.S which is designed to destroy our culture and hence our country as we have known it.  He has also stood against the imposition of world wide ‘carbon taxes’ based on so-called climate change; but after all, you have to prioritize and what could be more important than killing human beings. So number one, we have the war in Yemen:










“This ongoing war between Saudi Arabia and “terrorists” in Yemen started in 2015 and the U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia. It is well known that we supply the bombs, logistics, and target acquisition. According to Wikipedia:
“According to the UN and other sources, from March 2015 to December 2017, 8,670–13,600 people have been killed in Yemen, including more than 5,200 civilians, as well as estimates of more than 50,000 dead as a result of a ongoing famine due to the war.[119][129][130] In 2018, the United Nations warned that 13 million Yemeni civilians face starvation in what it says could become “the worst famine in the world in 100 years”.











By the way, pictures like the above, while sad as hell and distressing to look at, are never seen in our Media, television, print or otherwise. Why not? Are Americans such simpering wimps that they cannot be allowed to see them or are they intentionally prevented from seeing them? You know the old saying: Out of sight,out of mind. We hear nary a peep from the mainstream media about the wars the U.S. is involved in in the ME as they keep us focused on the Washington soap opera. The main stream media always provides cover for the deep state.

So who is President of the United States?  Who is Commander-In Chief? During the campaign, Trump said he was a peace President, not interested in interventionist wars. What happened?
So now the Trump administration has entered into an unholy alliance with Saudi Arabia, the U.A.W., and Israel for the stated purpose of “countering Iranian influence in the Middle East”. So this is a proxy war in Yemen. The U.S. coalition supports one side and Iran supposedly supports the other side and the people of Yemen are in the middle. I wonder if the American people realize that their tax dollars are supporting this carnage.






And what about the other wars like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria? Has Trump suggested that we should bring the troops home?  Other than the one time he suggested that the forces would be coming home from Syria, and then backtracked 4 days later, he has not.  Incredibly, President Trump recently said:    Now, are we going to stay in that part of the world [the Middle East]? One reason to is Israel. Oil is becoming less and less of a reason because we’re producing more oil now than we’ve ever produced. So, you know, all of a sudden it gets to a point where you don’t have to stay there. (1)

That statement is not only incredible but sort of comical. So we went to war in the Middle East because of oil. Who knew? Would our government lie to us? The really incredible part is that we will stay there because of Israel.  And it is not just Israel but also the Saudis who want to drag us into a war with Iran. “ Iran supports terrorism everywhere” is a common refrain from the media and our government.  My advice is to discount by at least 50% everything bad you hear about Iran.  What can you call our own actions in the ME?

Iran has always been at the top of the conquer and control list. I’ve used this video before, but it is sooo relevant:

Trump canceled the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran which makes war on Iran much more likely.


So Trump looks to be a full-fledged neocon. His MAGA vision of the U.S. apparently coincides with that of the Deep State, but with slightly more emphasis on the plight of the working class/middle class. 
The awful thought is: Who would be better?


Aug 4, 2029 !

US Confirms American Company Has Signed Deal With ‘Rebels’ To Take Syria’s Oil





Jan 8, 2019———

Reasons To Believe In Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Are Vanishing















By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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