Tue. May 7th, 2024



It has taken almost 2 years but President Trump has finally had a meeting with President Putin.  The campaign promise by Trump to try and work with Russia has hopefully started. The Deep State and the War Party has done everything in its power to prevent this agenda from going forward.
The fairy-tale Russia collusion investigation was created to be a roadblock to Trump’s philosophy of world peace and security for the U.S. The Russia collusion story was meant to reinforce the belief that Russia is the evil nation and our greatest adversary.  Of course, this idea has been around for a long time. The Russia equals bad narrative has been our excuse for the billions (or Trillions) of dollars appropriated to the military/industrial/intelligence complex for many years. 


The lying mainstream media, the mouthpiece for the war party, uses every opportunity to promote the bad Russia narrative. Every story starts with this premise so as to condition the American people. Most recently, the MSM and members of congress, both Democrat and Republican, say that Russia invaded Ukraine. They did not. I guess if you say it enough it becomes true.
The real truth is well-known: The legitimate government of Ukraine was overthrown in a violent coop. The activist movement that overthrew that government was actively supported by the U.S. Or maybe it was initiated and orchestrated by the U.S. (with our track record, is this hard to believe?).   That overthrow was rejected by half of the Ukrainian people and a civil war ensued. Yes, Russia became involved by supporting the people of eastern Ukraine who were attacked by the new illegitimate regime.
  When senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are in Ukraine proclaiming their solidarity with their activist “brothers” , you know something is up.                                                 


The point here is that the MSM is truly fake news and lies to deceive the American people.


Next, the MSM tries to make an issue out of Trump not supporting his “intelligence” community during his talks with Putin in Helsinki. Can you blame Trump for questioning their reliability?  These are the same incompetent people who gave us WMD”s in Iraq. Actually, that incompetence was probably intentional, if you know what I mean! The bias against Trump in the FBI is obvious so why would he trust them? And what about the CIA? President Truman, who created the agency, said he was sorry that he had ever done so. President Kennedy said that he would like to rip apart the CIA and scatter it to the winds. Of course we all know what happened to President Kennedy.  You might be forgiven if you think that the CIA is a fourth branch of our Government because they often act as if they are.

So President Trump is looking good, pursuing peace in Korea, dialogue and understanding with Russia. A lot of Presidents have worked for peace but none have done so any harder than Trump. Some say that Trump is the best we ever had, but WAIT A MINUTE!  What about those things that Trump has not done? 

We still have American forces in Syria illegally and it looks like they intend to stay. What about Iraq? Earlier this year the Iraqi parliament asked the U.S. to remove its’ forces. We said no. What about the occupation of Afghanistan, going on 18 years now? Trump has not asked for them to come home yet.  We all can all easily reason that the wars in the Middle East have nothing to do with  America’s security (more fairy tales) or the American people.  It looks like the Deep State is still in charge and their agenda, guided by the Neocons and the Israel Firsters,  goes forward still (and they even use our money).  Is Trump helpless to act against them or is he with them?

The invasions of the Middle East were planned a long time ago as explained by General Clark:


Next comes Iran.  Why did Trump withdraw us from the nuclear agreement with Iran which only creates conditions more favorable for war? He continues to threaten Iran (and sometimes Venezuela).  It looks like the imperialist agenda is on track, Trump or no Trump.
And why has Trump forged some kind of alliance with Saudi Arabia (and Israel) against Iran.  Don’t forget that we are helping Saudi Arabia with their attacks on Yemen.

Do you really think Iran is a threat to the United States?  Actually, they’re a threat to our illegal  operations in the Middle East. Take a look at the map below.  Could be that we have them contained.










While the media keeps us focused on the lunacy in Washington, conflicts that we are involved in go on elsewhere. I like Trump and am hopeful but concerned and am forced to say:  Will The Real Trump Please Stand Up.



According to a recent report at Fort Russ News, the U.S. offered a withdrawal plan to Assad of Syria with three conditions:

First: Iran’s full withdrawal from the Syrian south.

‘Washington: withdrawal from the [al-Tanf] and eastern Euphrates against three conditions, including giving us a share of oil.

‘Second: obtaining written assurances that US companies will receive a share of the oil sector in eastern Syria. 

‘Third, to provide the Syrian side with the Americans with full data on the terrorist groups and their members.


Don’t know if this is true but it would not be surprising.


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) indicated in a Spanish-language interview with Univisión last week that the United States should consider a military intervention in Venezuela.

In the interview with Miami’s Univisión 23 last Wednesday, Rubio said that a military intervention may be justified on the grounds of national security.

Looks like Senator Rubio may be the heir apparent to war-monger John McCain.


I know I’m getting off the subject but I keep seeing these incredible things.

Want to see some illegal aliens probably sneaking across the southwest U.S. border? And these are not women and children.



Buchanan: Is Trump Going Neocon In Syria?













By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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