Tue. May 7th, 2024


I decided to continue with a few more ” stories in a picture”. It’s a lot easier than anything else since these pictures speak for themselves. They need to be seen so when it is all over, it is not forgotten.  You won’t see such gruesome pictures in the main stream media anywhere since we just can’t handle it.  Such pictures create an indelible imprint in our brain that is not easily forgotten as are words.  Israel is committing murder and genocide.  They have lost any respect the world may have given them.


All of the world condemns the Israelis for their actions except for the West. As far as I know, our own country has failed to publicly condemn Israel’s actions. The belief that Marxist/Zionist  Jews control the USA or exercise undue influence is no longer a myth or conspiracy theory.  Obviously, nothing good can come of this war, but it is exposing where people stand on this issue and we learn who the psychopaths are in Congress and our political body.

Nikki Haley says “Israel doesn’t need the USA, the USA needs Israel”.  HaHa. Talk about kowtowing!



















You cannot look at current events in a vacuum but take note of events in the past involving Marxist/Zionist Jews.


















The wars in the Middle East were of no benefit whatsoever to the United States. They were done for Israel. We weakened or destroyed the enemies of Israel. Then we occupied the lands (and still are) in an attempt to tame the locals. American soldiers die for Israel.



Zionism, as a world problem, goes back a lot farther than the Mid-East wars.

Jews-Caused-WW2 (part 1)

To summarize my understanding of this clip:  After the first revolution in Russia failed, the Jews were forced to scramble out of Russia and into Germany where they were welcomed. But then, due to the Zionist movement and the desire to acquire Palestine for a homeland, the Jews made a deal with Great Britain to fully support them in the war in exchange for Palestine, putting the Jews in direct opposition to Germany. Thus, they became enemies of the State and a threat. It is also believed that the Jews were responsible for getting the USA into the war in the first place.



Jews-Caused-WW2 (part 2)

















Info on:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahr_El-Baqar_primary_school_bombing


Zionists explaining. Holy Cow!



The Israelis bomb the cities, then tell the Palestinians to move to the south out of the city, and then bomb them there. The Israelis are clearly trying to force ALL Palestinians out of the territory. It is more than ironic that the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians what they claim that Germany was doing to them in WW2.
But Germany had a reason to move them and it wasn’t antisemitism. It was Communism which was spreading across eastern Europe after the Jewish led Bolshevik revolution in Christian Russia and most Jew leaders were Communists.  Remember that the Communist ideology was created by Jews. International Jewry declared a “holy war” on Germany in 1933, six years before WW2!



I know many are thinking:  You forgot the Holocaust. Not exactly, and here is a relevant video that many have already seen, and it depicts survivors of the Auschwitz “death camp” describing conditions in the camp. Something here is just not right!


Past history should not be ignored.



The Jewish owned Media always refer to Israel as the only true Democracy in the Middle East. HaHa.   Look at how they treat Jewish citizens who criticize the war:


The Zionists don’t like us (everyone else).




Why the Israeli war on the Palestinians must be stopped:





Oops, happy ending.




(Most of my pics and vids come from Twitter or TicTok)




























By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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