Tue. May 7th, 2024


From The Archives       (Jul 11, 2023 )


Mark Dice has put together a good video on the recent phenomenon of  television commercial ads having a disproportionate number of mixed race couples in them. These kinds of ads are definitely not meant to sell more widgets but they are teaching moments. They are meant to convince us that mixing  the races is good. A constant barrage of this will convince some people and certainly younger generations. The Marxist attack on America’s societal values from Race to Gender to Religion is in full swing.


Marxist efforts to promote race mixing has been going on for a long time. Do you remember when they told us that there was no such thing as race? They said that race is a “human construct”.  This came largely from Academia where many Marxists reside where they can poison the minds of our youth.

Actually, race is a construct in a certain way.  Biological scientists constructed a taxonomic ranking to show us the relationships between all living things on earth, but it is valid and true from simple observation.


Marxists and Leftists will tell you that there are no races and we are all the same, the only differences are due to environmental influences such as upbringing, education, money, etc.  The truth is that each race has unique traits and characteristics, not just different physical appearances. These traits are inherent and genetic, and will be passed on just like physical appearances are. Let’s use dogs for an example since most Americans are familiar with them:

There are many breeds of dogs. The term ‘breed” is analogous to the term “race” in humans. We are well aware from simple observation (some dogs breeds are friendly, some are not, some are aggressive, etc) that each dog breed has unique traits and these traits are passed on to the next generation.  If they mate with another breed, the offspring are crossbreds ( a little cattleman lingo) and you lose some of the impact of those traits or you lose them altogether.


There is no reason to believe that humans are any different. Race is real and the differences may be small but not nonexistent.



Most would agree that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with a mixed race marriage; you know, love conquers all, etc.  It does, however, work against the preservation of the races we now have and given enough time, it can eliminate them. This process would work much faster if it is focused on one country — say the USA (maybe millions of mostly non-white immigrants entering our country could speed up the process by leading to more mixed marriages).
Why not preserve the races and their uniqueness? The world would be a dull place if filled with nothing but clones.


Here is the ‘Great One’ on multiculturalism:  Muhammad Ali


I like his analogy with the birds. 




As I said earlier, these types of advertisements are meant to normalize the mixed marriage concept in the minds of Americans or make them think it is already the norm. They are re-writing many of our societal norms and are doing it through the Main Stream Media which they literally own, and with financing by the big corporations.
Money is power, and we know who has all the money. They have always had all the money.



The Ridiculous Idea That Race Isn’t Real

















By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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