Tue. May 7th, 2024


Seventy-eight years after WW2, people are still saying that certain world leaders are like “Hitler”.  President Putin of Russia is often said to be like “Hitler”.  Saddam Hussein of Iraq was said to be like “Hitler” and on and on. Not only are those intended smears not true, but if you dive into world history, you may find that not even Adolph Hitler was like “Hitler”.

Most Americans, who know little about the war, readily accept the idea that Hitler was the personification of evil.  If Hitler was was held in such low esteem by the world at that time, how did he manage to show up on the cover of Time magazine as ‘Person of The Year’ in 1938?  Did the magazine usually put evil people on the cover?

The answer is because Germany, under Hitler, had achieved enormous economic success in the few short years after Hitler became Chancellor in 1933. Because of WW1, Germany’s economy had hit rock bottom. People were starving and inflation made their money practically worthless while unemployment  was around  7 million(in a small country).  In 6 years, from 1933 to 1939, Germany went from having the worst economy in Europe to having the best in Europe.


Most Americans have heard Hitler speaking, but in that guttural German that makes him sound like a madman. I thought the same thing until I understood what he was saying in English. So I have posted a few video clips with English translation if you are interested.

This first clip, however, summarizes events before the war:

This is interesting when you realize that today, only 3 or 4 countries in the entire world are not on the Rothschild banking system. England declared war against Germany followed by France in spite of the fact that Germany had done nothing whatsoever against those two countries. London was the center of banking and finance in Europe at that time (even today). Apparently, Germany could not be allowed to set up a new successful banking system and provide a new model economy for other countries to mimic.  
Hitler’s actions against the Jewish banking system and Germany’s immediate economic success were no doubt the numero uno reason for the West’s war against Germany.



Hitler speaking:

When you understand what Hitler is saying, he doesn’t sound like a madman. He sounds normal and even better than Joe Biden.              



So called “Democracies”

These words by Hitler, if spoken today, could make perfect sense. Almost eerie.
Some things never change.





Money rules in these countries.



Hitler speaks to Americans. Propaganda played a key role in the years before and after WW2, just as it did more recently for our wars in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and others.




















 LOL !





Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong • 1h36m











By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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