Tue. May 7th, 2024


If you watch the boobtube regularly you might conclude that our country is going to hell in a hand-basket. Since it’s fake news, you can’t be absolutely certain but it looks that way.

I grew up in the 1940’s and 50’s. As a boy in the 40’s I spent as much time as I could in front of the big radio in our small living room, listening to programs like The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet, The Shadow and others (when my Dad did not have me pulling weeds).  There was no television in those days. My high school days were in the 50’s. With the advantage of hindsight I can say that, yes, we are going to pot but I don’t really think you need any hindsight to come to that conclusion.

I’m assuming that most people have seen these sort of videos but just in case they have not, here is one from Philadelphia, city of brotherly love.

Kensington zombies

Can you believe this? Isn’t this a problem we need to address rather than a war across the Atlantic (that we started)?  It is happening in large cities across America and the regime in Washington has the audacity to send over a hundred billion dollars to a country that most Americans could not find on a map. The brain-dead people in Congress go along with it because they are no longer the voice of the American people. Democracy is dead.


So we are in a war that threatens nuclear annihilation because Russia is evil and Putin is Hitler. This is what we have been taught ever since the Soviet Union  reconstituted itself as Russia 22 years ago. What has Russia done to us? Haha, I’m not holding my breath. Actually, there are some similarities between Putin and Hitler.


They both humiliated the Jews or the elitist oligarchy, something that does not go unpunished, as Putin is finding out right now. When Yeltsin chose Putin as his successor, the ruling Jewish oligarchs had no realization that Putin was a traditionalist and a Christian. They had no idea that he was going to turn on them for “ripping off the Russian people” as he said.  They were put on trial and then went to jail or exile.

The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)

Like Putin, Hitler also humiliated the Jews by removing them from the government bureaucracy and taking Germany off of the Rothschild banking system. As a result, Germany went from having the worst economy in Europe at that time (due to WW1) to the best economy in 3-4 years. In the end, Germany lay in ruins. I guess it is fair to say Putin is like Hitler.


So we are engaged in a war across the Atlantic (a war we started)  , we have an invasion on our southern border (meant to dilute our cultural identity), a tidal wave of drugs turning our people into zombies, and relentless attacks on our traditions and societal norms, particularly Christianity. You think this is accidental or planned? Marxism/Communism is to blame and we all know who conceived this ideology.



I see a lot of commenters on different platforms using the term Fascism to explain why we are going to pot. Fascism has nothing to do with it. In the larger sense, Fascism is Nationalism which means a focus on a country, its’ people and traditions. Who’s against that? According to the definition you may include authoritarianism.
In any case, the use of the term today is simply misdirection. We are going to pot by virtue of the same thing we have faced since WW1: Godless Marxist/Communism. Don’t let the Media convince you that what is going on is Hitler-like.







































By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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