Tue. May 7th, 2024


It’s simple logic to understand that you must know who your enemy is before you can defend against him. Apparently, many Americans don’t possess that logic.

When you can see a group of people attacking those fundamental concepts that have made America great, you must conclude that they are the enemy. The insanity that we have seen in the last few years is an effort to destroy the cultural norms that have guided our nation for 245 years. It’s clear that the best and fastest way to do so is to re-define our morality.

Our enemy is atheism, brought to you by Marxism and promoted by a small over-represented group of people who are supported by low IQ, easily swayed, leftists.

Lets take a look at some graphics that dramatically expose Jewish influence in our country:

Might as well start at the top.


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Did you know that there were so many of the same persuasion in the current administration?                   This is the definition of over-representation. What they are representing is proxy war in Ukraine, an invasion on our southern border,  perversion in our health care (transgenderism) and homosexuality.


Jewish control of the Media. Big-time over-representation.



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Unless you read books (how many do that nowadays) most of America’s info comes from these people. Once again, it’s too many of the same persuasion and their ideology is 100% opposed to the ideology that represents the majority of Americans, that is Christianity. Jews should not be setting the tone and tenor for a country that is more than 50% Christian.
You might say – “but this is a Judaeo-Christian nation”. LOL.  This is just another creative lie from the Jewish media. The USA has been referred to as a Christian nation for most of my 81 years and only recently has this aberration of the truth gained any traction. Unless you are a dummy, the reference to “Judaeo-Christian nation” is totally illogical as the two are opposed,  like oil and water.





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Money means power and influence.


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Money and a complicit Media, working together, can win elections and direct the course of nations.


If, therefore, the Jews had retained their status as a nation, and had remained in Palestine under
the Law of Moses, they would hardly have achieved the financial distinction which they have
since won. Jews never got rich out of one another. Even in modern times they have not become
rich out of each other but out of the nations among whom they dwelt. Jewish law permitted the
Jew to do business with a Gentile on a different basis than that on which he did business with a
brother Jew. What is called “the Law of the Stranger” was defined thus: “unto a stranger thou
mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury.”
                                                                                                        The International Jew, by Henry Ford





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A direct attack on Christian values. Porn.


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Over-represented but not unexpected.








This is probably the worst attack on Christianity as well as the other great world religions, all of which condemn homosexuality. And you don’t even need a religion to condemn it as it is a clear violation of natural law. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and it used to be so classified. Anyone with a dog or cat should be able to figure it out. Only man has the ability to violate his own nature due to “free will”. Animals operate strictly on instinct and learned behavior.

Magnus Hirchfield is mentioned in this graphic. He was a Jewish pioneer of the transgenderism lunacy.  See more HERE.





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This idea is meant to wreak the time-honored concept of family.




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                            Jewish intellectuals invented Communism. We can debate it’s merits all day long, but a fundamental element of Communism is Atheism.












                                               The End
































By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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