Tue. May 7th, 2024


Two years ago I had never even heard of Kanye West. That’s due to the fact that I was never a fan of rap music(music?) but I’m a fan of his now!

Ye (formerly Kanye) has said some  things such as that the Jews control the music industry and its’ musicians ( he ought to know!)  He said that Jews control most all of the Media and the banking industry and big corporations. Who did not know this!

The leftist, elitist Jews responded in a unique way. They have taken steps to “cancel” him, and literally prove that Ye is correct. LOL.




In this one Ye dares to question the Holocaust, Hitler, and the “official” story of WW2.


I know that most people will think that comments like this by Ye are total psychobabble and that is because the “official” story of WW2 and the Holocaust is like a religion and to speak negatively about either of them is  a sacrilege. The “official” story is, in reality, a compilation of misinformation, omissions, exaggerations, and plain lies. Just as Ye said, “the winners write the history books”.

Most Americans know little about WW2 other than what they learned in high-school and are not interested in a better understanding of the not so distant past. That past, however, is strongly linked with America today and America’s future.  We are taught that Americans sacrificed greatly and saved the world from Fascism. We are told that Hitler wanted to “conquer the world” and if we had not prevailed, we would all be speaking German. That’s what I used to hear back in the 1950’s. LOL.

There are a number of events, before the war, during the war, and even after, that are counter intuitive. They simply do not make sense in light of the “Good War” mantra.

  • Before the War:
    In the 1920’s and 30’s the
    great fear in Europe and even the U.S. was the spread of Communism into Eastern and then Western Europe. This was due to the takeover of Christian Russia during WW1 (the Bolshevik revolution)  by the Marxist Jews and the subsequent spreading of that ideology.  With the advent of WW2, the U.S. inexplicably joins forces with the atheist, communist Soviet Union to fight Christian Germany.  This is very strange after all the fear of Communism, even in the U.S.
  • The end result, as you should know, is that Communism captured all of Eastern Europe and half of Germany.

          Ye knows this.


Communist demonstrations in New York:


Why did Hitler “hate” the Jews?


  • Leaving aside the Myth of the planned execution of millions of Jews by Germany, people will say, ‘Well, they did put them in concentration camps’.  Of course this is true and the plan was to ship them out of town, never to come back. But there was another reason also. After the Jews were removed from their control of the Government and Banking in Germany, they became insurrectionists and saboteurs, and thus eligible for incarceration.
    We put Japanese Americans in concentration camps also, but for no other reason than their race.
  • I’m betting that most Americans don’t know that world wide Jewry declared war on Germany long before the start of WW2.  They called it a boycott and at the same time, a holy war.

          Ye knows this.



Germany Must Perish

This was more than a boycott. It was a war to completely destroy the German nation because Germany had dared to remove all Jewish control.







  • To me, the most puzzling fact of the war is that Germany never attacked us. Nor did they threaten us. Nor were they a threat TO us; and yet, Americans bought the war,  hook, line, and sinker (after much propaganda).
    Germany went to great lengths not to provoke the USA. They did not want us to join the war against them, obviously. In spite of ridiculous propaganda, Germany was no threat to the United States. The Germans were not even able to cross the English Channel (Operation Sea-lion, which was cancelled) and exact revenge on England for bombing Germany, first.  They simply did not have the resources to do so and the Atlantic ocean was slightly larger. LOL.
  • Germany did eventually declare war on the USA, but only after we had been supplying war materials to Great Britain and the Soviet Union for months (exactly like our efforts in Ukraine today, pretending that we are not at war with Russia).

          Ye knows this too.



  • During The War

            Much has been made about so-called atrocities by the evil Germans but what about Allied 


Classic war time propaganda lies:

Ye understands the propaganda.


  • After The War
  • Most Americans have no idea that after the official end of the war, it’s estimated that as many as
     1 million German soldiers out of 5 million prisoners of war died in Allied concentration camps.   Based on new information (as well as witnesses) these deaths are attributed to lack of food,   shelter, and medical care. This new info strongly suggests that these deaths were intentional. Jewish hatred and propaganda likely played a role.
    Soldiers are not supposed to die after the war is over!      
    This remained somewhat of a secret for all these years until the publication of a book in 1989 by James Bacque called Other Losses“. 
    For a more complete summary of the events, go here.

    Maybe Ye knows this also.













































By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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