Tue. May 7th, 2024


If the Jewish owned media ever tell the truth, it’s about the pandemic of lunacies we are all familiar with. They not only report on issues such as Transgenderism, multiple sexes, gay marriage, and homosexuality, but they promote them. All of these issues have rocketed to the surface in something like the last ten years.
Have you noticed how all of these lunacies violate our societal norms which have been in effect for more than 200 years. Most of our norms have been based on Christianity so Christianity is what is actually being attacked.

Concepts as crazy as Transgenderism are not new and were being developed in Germany before WW2. Don’t jump the gun and blame Hitler and Germany for such perversions. It was actually the Marxists.

Before Hitler took charge in 1933, Berlin was known as the sex capital of Europe, eclipsing even Paris. Berlin was a hotbed of debauchery and perversion.  Sex-changes/transgenderism was being done by Jewish doctors and this was in the 1920’s and 30’s.  When Hitler came to power, the Nazis cleaned it up. Eighty years later, this lunacy has come to the U.S. I wonder how that happened?    You won’t see much about this in the history books because after all, “the winners write the history books”. Any suggestion that Hitler and the National Socialists may have done something good or had a different agenda than you have been told, must be hidden. 






Excerpt from the Daily Stormer —–


Basically, Weimar was the test run of everything that began happening in the United States ten years ago. Most notably, this is where they did the first “sex change” operations. A Jew by the name of Magnus Hirschfeld ran the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Wissenschaft), where he was carrying out all kinds of Frankensteinian experiments on the mentally ill. Primarily, he was just cutting men’s dicks off, but with the help of the Institute’s chief surgeon, Ludwig Levy-Lenz (who was also Jewish, by pure coincidence), Hirschfeld also pioneered (and actually invented) the concept of the “neovagina.”

I won’t post the pictures of the surgeries. You can look them up if you’re a sicko.

The surgeries were condemned as barbaric, even by people who were not far-right, and many people died as a result of botched surgeries. Hirschfeld’s response was that he didn’t really even want to mutilate these people, but they were demanding he do so, and therefore it wasn’t his responsibility.

The Nazis protested the institute before Hitler took power.

Needless to say, after Hitler took power, the place was shut down.

The Jews are now obsessively celebrating Hirschfeld, and claim that the only reason he was shut down was that Hitler was pure evil.


They had buried the story before, but have brought it up as a good thing in light of the “trans” mania they’ve now created in the United States. You will find no articles about him between 1940 and 2017, other than people talking about how barbaric and deranged he was – now, every Jewish publication regularly makes a point to brag about how they were the pioneers of the trans movement.

They’d better hope that the “conservative” goyim don’t hear them talking like this. If people start to hear what Hitler was dealing with, they are likely to have a lot more sympathy, and start asking several questions about the way this man has been portrayed by history’s winners.

There was all sorts of other weird sexual stuff going on in Weimar, Hirschfeld is just the most extreme example. The Jews were of course also taking serious advantage of the fact that the economic situation put women into prostitution, getting them to do very sick things. The entire country was utterly sexualized as part of a Jewish utopianist agenda (which was also very profitable for them, by coincidence).


While all this was going on, the politicians did nothing. The country was entirely run by Jewish bankers – primarily American Jew bankers collaborating with their cousins on the ground in Germany. There was also some relevant influence on the nation’s direction coming from the active utopian Marxist community, which was, like the Jew sexual degeneracy community, very advanced. Most notably, you had the Jewish Frankfurt School, a group credited with inventing “cultural Marxism,” which fled to America after the rise of Hitler. Amidst the ruins of a burned-out husk of a country, where the men were all drunk and the women were all hookers, these Jews were pushing every kind of bizarre utopianist project onto the body politic.

It simply cannot be overstated how Jewish the ruling elite of Weimar Germany were. The Jews have referred to Weimar as a “Jewish paradise,” in fact. Both the left and right despised the government, and even moderates hated it. It’s likely that the reason that it was so easy for Hitler to take over was that the government was really just a facade for foreign rule, and there was no one in the government who really cared what happened to it.

It’s understandable that the Jews are looking at comparisons between the Weimar and current year America, but the fact is, they have successfully made it impossible for anyone to take over the US government through the electoral system. We saw that with Donald Trump. He couldn’t do anything. This is due to the power of the US intelligence agencies, primarily. The elected government is a Potemkin clown show which plays no real role in running the country, but there is a real power behind it in the entrenched bureaucracy and the intelligence/law enforcement network.

There is no possible chance of the Democrats losing control because of these midterms. It would be great if Tucker Carlson would stop saying otherwise (although he might have some other game). People need to vote. We have to vote. But don’t kid yourself; nothing is going to happen.




























By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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