Tue. May 7th, 2024

Added 10-19-22:    Just for a little more context.  As a high school student in the mid-fifties, ten years after the war, I never heard of the term “holocaust”; nor before high school. We were, however, aware of the concentration camps where many people died.


 Back in 2020 I did a post called Holocaust Testimony Fails. Today, I have a few more of these unbelievable (literally) stories. I don’t intend to belittle the suffering of innocent Jews and others, but these testimonies are meant to prove the validity of the intentional execution of millions of Jews and others. Historians know that there is no actual evidence for the extermination story but insist it happened anyway (one historian says that the lack of proof is evidence that it happened !). So a lot of weight is given to these testimonies.

One should remember that many of these survivors were either children or teenagers. It sounds to me that they are victims of their own propaganda or lying means nothing to them. Propaganda before and during the war was massive and Americans were taught that Germans were subhuman animals. Jewish Zionists  wanted not only to stop Hitler, but to kill every man, woman and child in Germany.












The central theme for most of these testimonies is the villainy of the Germans. This, of course, corroborates  the massive propaganda efforts of the times.  The first two videos provide a sort of sub-theme: They were sent to the “gas chambers” but they got water!

Alice Sylvester



Lydia Tischler

These people received a shower not gas, so they come up with this unique and devious interpretation that they never knew whether they would live or die. I guess that the Germans were playing games with them so as to increase their level of stress and anxiety.


Sizzled To Death

What’s left to say?



The Whole Enchilada

My favorite gal. First, she repeats the gas/water, live/die theory and goes on to mention the lampshades and purses and soap stories that were debunked many years ago. Finally, we learn that the extermination ovens, apparently, did not work so well since there were useful leftovers.



More debunked lampshade stories. You might notice the he actually saw no such thing himself but gives a second hand account.



A Jewish Love Story



Machine-gunned Jews Sold as Meat

So I guess that inmates, marked for extermination, had money to buy things.



Strange Document












Straw Makes Death Easier

First a poison shot, then a calculated distance to die on straw. If you believe this, you are retarded.



As with the Holocaust, much war-time propaganda about Germany was also a lie designed to trick America into the war and trick us today.  Acceptance of the Holocaust story skews our understanding of the war in Europe. Why did we go? We fail to see the real enemy, Communism/Marxism which all the countries in Europe were fighting in the 20s and 30s.  Our alliance with the atheist, communist Soviet Union served NOT to save the world but rather to ADVANCE the cause of Communism. At the end of the war the Communist/Marxists had captured all of Eastern Europe and half of Germany. After the war, they came to the U.S.A. and they have now infiltrated our institutions. The extermination story is serious misdirection and it created undue sympathy for the Jews who have used it to extract millions of dollars in “reparations” from countries around the world.

James Baker, former Secretary of State for George Bush senior, once said that WW2 was an “economic” war but we had vilified Germany so badly that when it was all over we could not tell the American people the truth. (What we call the Great Depression occurred in 1929 and a short 10 years later, 1939, we are considering going to war.)


Call it what you will, Leftism, Woke-ism or lunacy, its real name is Marxism. One of the central pillars of Marxism is Atheism. Just as the Jew-led revolution in Russia in 1918 overthrew a Christian nation at that time, we may be seeing something similar here today.


Endless Horror Stories

I don’t think I believe this one. 


Soap Bubbles

I guess she actually got a shower. No soap bubbles.



Blinded By An Apple

This may be true. I hate to nitpick but was she blinded permanently or momentarily!  I’m also curious about the location of the vegetable stand. In the death camp? In the ghetto?



Bullet In The Face

A bullet in the face and no medical treatment? Her father was one tough guy!


Cremation Soap

So you are telling me that after “cremation” there is fat left to extract? They repeat the stories that they have heard.


Run Over By A Plow

Sounds unlikely to me. I worked in agriculture for 65 yrs. If one man( the one who did not fall down) can pull a plow, it must have been some kind of mini, toy plow.



Holohoaxers Talking Shit




If you think this is irrelevant and ancient history, think again. Public denial or criticism of the Holocaust is a crime in most of the countries in Europe. Why do they work so hard to preserve the myth of planned extermination, something that happened 78 or 79 years ago?
While I was creating this blog, incredibly, and according to news reports, Canada is also planning to criminalize Holocaust denial:  like NOW.





The Jewish Conspiracy to Promote the “Holocaust”



Ivy League Jews Call for Abolishing the US Constitution in NYT Op-Ed































By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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