Tue. May 7th, 2024


In an earlier post I wrote about and provided video clips about alleged NASA  ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration) trickery.   ( https://lithiaflorida.com/flat-earth-vs-nasa/).
I have some new ones today, and maybe some old.


On the internet, there is a large community of people who believe the earth is flat rather than a globe. Through their videos, they have provided arguments against the globe earth model. To most of us this seems like genuine lunacy but they do make some interesting arguments. Nevertheless, those arguments are not enough for most people to scrap what they have been taught all their lives.


There is, however, an additional element here that plays an important role: NASA.
Here is the background. For most of human history people believed the earth was flat. Only in the last 400-500 years did they think it was or could be a globe even though there was no actual evidence. It was in 1958 with the creation of NASA that we got our evidence in the way of pictures, videos and rocket launches, etc. So the flat earthers say that NASA is lying and faking it.  If that were true, it would certainly strengthen the flat earth argument. You would have to ask why on earth (flat?) would they do that?


Many of NASA’s videos come from the ISS (International Space Station). They broadcast live events from the station to news sites and often to groups of children for education.  To understand what is going on in these clips, you must accept some very basic facts. The Space Station is in orbit somewhere around 250 miles above the earth and moving at 17,500 mph. Because of its’ location there is zero gravity in the ISS. The crew is weightless. Now some videos.

Busted !



I thought it all floated!  In orbit or in Hollywood?




Small objects that you see floating in front of or around the astronaut are not done with invisible wires or strings. These objects, often are a video projection and are not actually there. The technique could be described as looking at two layers of video. Although the objects (like a microphone) are not actually there,  the audience can see them and  the astronaut has the ability to see them and manipulate them.  The astronauts themselves are suspended by wires that are erased by computer program. This is the claim.



This clip demonstrates further video manipulation.



A sneaky glance.  Where is the zero gravity?



Now let’s check the claims that the astronauts are using wires to perform their acrobatics to demonstrate weightlessness.


Watch the collar of her uniform.



What’s with all the gyrations?  Looks like some kind of hoochi-coochi dance.  At the end of the clip the guy doing a somersault comes down suspiciously hard at the end.




This is an older clip that I posted before.  Keep in mind that all of these astronauts do not have to be in the environment they appear to be in.  They could easily be in a very large room or auditorium with wires high above their heads doing their presentation. The background (space capsule) can be inserted later.  More about that later.




Maybe you think that the idea of using wires could not work. But it is being used in Hollywood quite a lot, in those futuristic kind of movies where opponents battle each other without any restrictions from gravity. You need to watch both of the next two clips to get the full impact.


Part 1


Part 2



So wires could be used to simulate zero gravity and then erased by computer program, just like the movies.  At first I thought that the use of wires would be unmanageable in the tight looking area of the space capsule; but then I realized that the astronauts don’t actually have to be where they appear to be. The next videos will show how that can be done. It’s called green screen and chroma key.





But sometimes green screens FAIL.


Did I mention that this kind of fakery is already being used in Hollywood?




So let’s take a look at how different backgrounds could be used to fool you.


In this clip you catch a glimpse of astronauts under water, a perfect place to simulate weightlessness.  NASA does admit that astronauts are trained underwater water in a very large pool which contains a mock up of the ISS.







Ok. I think I see some trickery by NASA.  Am I misinterpreting what I see? Are there logical explanations?  At this point I am not sure if there is such a thing as the International Space Station. 
And don’t forget the moon, which we haven’t been back to in 49 years, and I don’t think we explored a fraction of it. NASA says the problem is the budget while some astronauts claim that we lost the 60’s technology (WTH!) and no longer know how, while others say that we first must figure out how to get through the Van Allen radiation belt which circles earth.  NASA is a money pit with nothing to show for it, for me or the guy down the street.  Stealing billions from the taxpayer is bad enough but what if NASA really is lying and there is no ISS or space missions or even SPACE?   HOLY COW, can you imagine the implications?


I was going to end here but I can’t resist a couple more clips.




The End



























































By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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