Tue. May 7th, 2024



 Russia is moving into Ukraine to protect the people of eastern Ukraine from the fake Ukrainian government. I pointed out how the fake government was created in 2014, Here. Those breakaway areas in Ukraine have been under constant attack from the fake government for about 8 years and the U.S. has sent
millions of dollars worth of weaponry to Ukraine (our money), hoping to save our new outpost on the Russian border
. Putin understands what is going on. Russia has always been the target and everyone should be able to see this. Russia is now surrounded by NATO and American bases and missiles. It looks like Putin decided to throw a monkey wrench into the West’s plan.


Do you remember when the Soviet Union put missiles  in Cuba? We didn’t like that much and there were some tense hours which I remember well while standing on a college campus. We put a naval blockade around Cuba and were awaiting the arrival of freighters carrying more missiles. The military wanted to invade Cuba but Kennedy vetoed that idea.  Most people may think that our tough stance caused the Soviets to back down but in reality President Kennedy agreed to a compromise by removing our missiles from Italy and Turkey .


Our methods and motives in Ukraine are similar to what we did in the Republic of Georgia:


The Media’s ability to twist the truth is mind boggling. Actually, that may not be true since many of us understand that the Jew owned, Marxist Media will say whatever promotes their agenda which is the eventual destruction of Russia. How many times have they told us that Russia sent troops into Crimea and just took over?
But the troops were already there! Russia has a major naval base in Crimea. Then the Media fails to mention the national referendum that was held where 96% of the people of Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. With a civil war on their doorstep, the people of Crimea likely felt more secure under the Russian umbrella, not to mention the fact that most Crimeans are ethnic Russian.

The western media is now implementing a major misinformation campaign on behalf of Ukraine. To be fair, I suppose that both sides do this. It’s kind of funny and also weird.




















This is what I mean by weird:

Strange in another way, according to reports. Essential services have not been destroyed (power, communications,etc). In past wars, we would first flatten the city with bombs and artillery, then we would go in and mop up any survivors. According to Western media, Ukraine is kicking ass but we never see any such combat footage.






When our government complains about Russia invading Ukraine, it is embarrassing. This is the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. How many times have we invaded or attacked other countries using the pretense of saving some people?  How about Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Grenada, Serbia, Libya and too many to list.  And if we don’t do it ourselves, we pay and support proxy armies to do it ( Isis, Al Quaeda,etc) ; but we have a special trademark — we usually never leave. Aren’t we still in Germany?  (This is why Germany has shut down the gas pipeline–we tell Germany what to do).  We haven’t invaded Venezuela yet and that’s probably because Venezuela isn’t on the road to Moscow.


All wars are bad and  it is hard to condone Putin’s actions. You can judge a person by their actions but it is not a bad idea to listen to their words also. Incidentally, I cannot think of anything in the last 20 yrs of Russia’s existence, that they have done that was seriously detrimental to the U.S.  All the while, members of Congress and the Media continue to call Putin a thug and killer. So here are a couple of vids where Putin discusses Russian societal values.


It Is Impossible To Imagine Russia Without Christianity.


Putin Discusses Social Values in Russia



These pictures demonstrate the kind of perversion that Putin wants to defend his country from; this and everything from abortion to transgenderism and the corruption of morality. Up until now it has been hard to corrupt the Russian people because of strong religious beliefs, from Islam to Christianity and a strong leader. The Marxist/ Zionists may have already pushed the U.S. to the point of no return, but Russia is fighting back.





Former United Nations Weapons Inspector, former Marine Corps Intelligence Officer, author,   and analyst, Scott Ritter.










Is There Even A War

A link that describes the war in Ukraine with mucho videos.











By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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