Tue. May 7th, 2024

If you go online and look, you can find literally hundreds of sites declaring that America is not a Christian nation and that it never has been so in any way, shape or form. Literally, this is what they say.


Christianity is under attack in our country, and even the world. This has gone on for years but recently has intensified. Our Nation was founded by Christians and has been predominantly Christian ever since. Our culture could be described as one based on Christian principles. How does it go from that to one that celebrates gay pride parades, legalizes homosexual marriage, legalizes abortion, and promotes pornography and perversion by way of the Media and Hollywood), all in such a short time.


Although America is what I call a Christian culture, it was always a free country and everyone was able to adopt any beliefs or values or religion that they chose and also say whatever they wanted.  However, as in any society, you cannot behave any way you like without possible repercussions. A society is a group of people who are essentially on the same page. If a person or persons violate the societal norms they can expect criticism, discrimination. or stigmatization. This is how a society pressures its’ members to conform. Conformation is not necessarily bad. Think of the military and how it would function without some degree of conformation. The Media love to yap about discrimination and they do so to advance their Marxist agenda of  destroying American unity.


The Marxists in our government are trying to destroy all the bonds that tie Americans together .If they can do this, they can then reconstruct America to their liking. Their primary target is the biggest group with the strongest bonds –Christianity. They also attack free speech.  This should be easy to see. It is even easier if you have a good understanding of history, particularly of the last 100 years, since the rise of Communism which then destroyed Christian Russia. If you study history you will learn who invented the Communist/Marxist ideology.


 According to the Marxist media, individual rights in our country today trump everything (as opposed to classic Communism).    A society where the right to be different is paramount is not a society. This is just a group of people. This may sound like a utopia to some, but most of us know that it could not work. If you brought someone who had died in 1955 back to life today and they watched a little bit of television, they would die again from a heart attack.

Who owns the Media? Our elected officials never raise that question. The Media is not some kind of living, breathing organism. It is a business and has owners and controllers.


I’ve embedded some videos from a man who is a great “defender of the faith’. His observations are from a very unique perspective, that of a man born and raised Jewish but who converted to Christianity:  Brother Nathanael.



How The Jews Stole Christmas



Growing Up Jewish




Jews Push Gay Marriage



Why I Left Judaism


Of course Brother Nathanael has his own website with dozens of videos created by him. I posted these videos because I think people are more likely to watch a video that is staring them in the face than to click a link.




















By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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