Tue. May 7th, 2024





lnternational Communists, and the International Capitalists, (both

of whom have totalitarian ambitions) have temporarily joined

hands to defeat Christian-democracy.
” –  Pawns in the Game




 As Donald Trump said, the Media is fake news. The Media, including Hollywood, is our main source of information unless you read books and who does that anymore? Those who do read have a much better idea of what is happening in the U.S. today. This is especially true if they read history.


Marxism/Communism never went away. There was a great fear of this ideology after WW1, especially in Europe. This is because Communism had destroyed Christian Russia and was spreading into eastern Europe (the Baltic nations) and even western Europe. Hitler was fighting Communism as well as General Franco in Spain. Strangely enough, the fear of Communism was suspended long enough during WW2 for the U.S. to ally itself with the atheist/communist Soviet Union to destroy Christian Germany. After that came the Cold War where we went back into our fear of Communism mode. Now, not so much.


There are different renditions of Marxism/Communism but they all have one thing in common: Atheism. But it is not only atheism that the Marxists promote but everything that is designed to change our culture. And it is not just the Media who do this. It is the many NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) whose sole purpose is the changing of America. Prominent among these are the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the Southern Poverty Law Center,  the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and the JCPA (Jewish Council For Public Affairs), all Jewish organizations. And let’s not forget Soros and the many leftist groups that he finances.
These organizations use our own laws against us or even help to create laws that can be so used. They have used our laws to promote homosexuality and gay marriage by promoting the gay agenda, and  anything that violates Christian principles in a country that is still predominantly Christian (all the world’s largest religions condemn homosexuality).


Another example of this would be so-called “hate” crimes, the most absurd kind of law possible in a free country. We already have laws against almost all types of crime but now you must get extra punishment for what you are thinking when you commit a crime. This law was established thanks to vigorous promotion by the ADL. Such a law allows these organizations to create more divisiveness in America.

Some tweets from the ADL:


Looks like support for abortion.  Kind of a  ” have your fun and get out of jail free card”







So anyone who protests in opposition to their agenda is a white supremacist or a Nazi. This is the same misdirection the ADL has used since its creation. The Nazis are the only bad guys, never mind the Marxists/Communists who are they themselves. 


ADL supports and promotes the unrestricted, mass immigration of people to the U.S.  What better way to fundamentally change our country.


Well, at least they included people of color and faith. It wasn’t ALL perverts.







More perversion and wackiness promotion, using so-called civil rights laws. All meant to destabilize the largest cultural bloc in America, Christians.










More of the same.  Celebration of Homosexuality.












After The Verdict:





































The video below is all over the internet but if there is just one person who has not seen it, I am posting it on the chance that they will see it here. This may be called Christmas brought to you by the Jews of America. It is a trailer for a Christmas cartoon special to come on HBO. It is also a disgusting and obscene portrayal of Santa Claus in a children’s cartoon. They label it as “adult” as if children will never see it. It doesn’t matter. Even adults are meant to be influenced by a movie that trivializes and belittles one of the most important celebrations of Christianity; and Christmas is not only for Christians but for all Americans who celebrate a joyful time of the year.

Jews hate Christianity. Destroying Christmas is a major step in that direction. They would rather have you celebrating gay pride parades. If you cannot see this, you are deaf, dumb, and blind.

The principles in this production are Seth Rogan and Sara Silverman (who has, in the past, demonstrated her hate for Christianity).


The vid has been so overwhelmingly condemned that Youtube has disallowed likes and dislikes. If taken down,
I will replace it from a different source.

Here is another clip of the disgusting Jew, Silverman.











By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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