Tue. May 7th, 2024


Flat earth theory has been on the internet for several years but has intensified greatly in the last couple of years. Its proponents claim that the earth is a flat, motionless plain and not a ball flying through endless space. It sounds pretty wacko because we have all been taught the opposite. Of course we can’t really see that the earth is round and spinning on its’ own axis at a thousand miles per hour and speeding around the sun at 66,000 mph but they have told us so, and even shown us countless pictures; and we’ve seen rocket launches, and watched astronauts on the ISS (International Space Station).



Belief in a globe earth goes back about 500 yrs to Copernicus who formulated the heliocentric system whereby the earth is a planet that orbits the sun and also spins on its’ own axis. Prior to that and for thousands of years, man believed the earth was flat, stationary, and everything else circled the earth. It’s kind of interesting that this was accepted when there was absolutely no way to prove it until very recent times. As a grammar school student in the 1940s, I was taught the heliocentric model (globe)  even though it was certainly not provable at that time.

 The flat earth theory is too big to cover it all with a post like this so I want to focus on one issue of the argument and that is the claim by flat earthers that NASA is Fakery Central. You see, scientists have told us that the earth is a globe but they just have never been able to prove it. Then along comes NASA in 1958 and they provide us with pictures and videos that prove the earth is round, so naturally, the flat earthers say that NASA tells lies. So let’s take a look at some videos that are head-scratchers:


Could this be true? It makes me think of the moon landing story.




Here, astronauts are on the International Space Station (ISS) orbiting the earth. I don’t know about you but I think I see trickery.


(So when I first saw these clips I thought it would next to impossible to have some kind of tracks in the ceiling above to move people around, especially in the cramped quarters of the ISS.  So, therefore, wires supporting them could not be. However, when you learn that the actions of the Astronauts can be filmed outside of the capsule and then inserted into the capsule background, then, it becomes not so impossible).


More trickery.  Is there a logical reason for this? Are these people really on the ISS and orbiting the earth? I’m starting to wonder.




This makes no sense. Could the flat earthers be right when they say that no one has gone to space for the simple reason that we can’t.
Why the show?

(Maybe it’s just me, but why does the woman’s hair necessarily have to stand straight up in a weightless environment, and why does it appear to be rigid?)



This one cracks me up. The narrator is funny. Giants In Space.




This one relates to the moon landing. Can’t say that it proves anything but it might make you suspicious.



For some reason I thought the astronauts on the space station were weightless. Maybe it is just at certain times.



Compilation of Anomalies


I don’t know what is going on but something is fishy.  If NASA is lying then maybe the rest of the story about the flat earth is truer than we know. Believers in a flat earth have proposed many “proofs” of a flat earth, many of which are not so easily dismissed. Maybe, in another post, I will cite some examples.


Lastly, I have to give credit to the people who created these videos. They are the ones who did the hard work of exposing whatever is going on.



Link:  https://odysee.com/@REcom3:d/FlatEarthPuppetShow:1



















By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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