Tue. May 7th, 2024




It looks like the Marxist deep state has overplayed its’ hand. More and more, Americans are getting wise to the “Russia bad” mantra. Russia supposedly interferes in our elections, they attack our electrical grid, and they engage in cyber-attacks against us.
President Trump’s collusion with Russia is fully appreciated only when you accept the premise that Russia is the evil nation. What if Trump had been accused of colluding with Iceland?  LOL. It’s all Deep State propaganda meant to keep Russia in the cross-hairs for future destruction, and I’m going to tell you why. Here’s a hint: Russia is a majority Christian nation with many other religions and it does not take orders from the U.S. This is the full answer.

When Trump was first elected he announced that he would meet with Putin and try to establish better relations with Russia. That sounds like a logical and reasonable effort, especially with a country that has the second largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. When Trump made that announcement, the Marxist Media went berserk and condemned the idea. So did many members of Congress. As a result, Trump did an about face and did everything he could that was detrimental to Russia. It looks as if the Deep State took him to a small room and explained how things were going to be.




A VERY Compact History Of Russia’s Evolution

For our purposes, the history of Russia begins in 1917 and during WW1. At that time, the Communist revolution, led by the Bolshevik Jews, overthrew Imperial, Christian Russia. Russia then became the atheist, communist Soviet Union.  Historians have recorded the many atrocities and murders that took place in the following years. A short 20 years later we come to the advent of WW2.  In those 20 years, Communism was metastasizing into Eastern Europe, and even Western Europe. A good account of Communism’s foray into the Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia can be found in the book “Onward Christian Soldiers” by Donald Day (Online PDF Version). The book was written in 1942.

The first military action of WW2 was when Hitler invaded and took half of Poland (where millions of Germans lived), which led to a declaration of war on Germany by Great Britain and France.  Few people know that two weeks later, the Soviet Union took the other half  but not so much was made of that. So when the U.S. finally enters the war we ally ourselves with the atheist, Communist Soviet Union to help destroy Christian Germany.  It’s not as if we didn’t already know of the threat of Communism by the Soviets, based on the preceding 20 years, but apparently were convinced ( by who?) that the German threat was greater.  So when the final shot had been fired and WW2 was over, the Soviet Union now controlled all of the countries of Eastern Europe and half of Germany.

Then began the so called “Cold War”, which lasted about 45 years, during which time the “Red Menace” was our adversary and a danger to the entire world. Then an amazing thing happened. In 1989 the Berlin wall came down and in the next two years the Soviet Union freed Eastern Europe from Communist control and retreated to its’ original borders.  In 1990-1991 the Soviet Union collapsed due to a number of factors, including a major economic crisis and a failed coup against President Gorbachev. The Soviet Union now becomes the Russian Federation. Putin becomes Prime Minister in 1999 and eventually President in 2012 and is President today (2021).

I posted this history to summarize Russia’s transition from a Christian nation to an atheist/Communist one, and then back to Christianity.


Watch the following video to understand Putin’s world view:


By all accounts, Russia has been transformed from a Communist state to a nation that is around 60% Christian. Russia has returned to her roots and even President Putin is a baptized Christian. The idea that Russia is an enemy and a threat to our security is BS pumped out by the jew-owned Media. Russia does not have 800+ military bases around the world. That would be us. They are not engaged in military conflicts, thousands of miles from their borders. Again, that is us. Unfortunately, many people believe the BS, including many members of our Congress, who rant against Russia. Who are these people in our Capital? Are they Commies, Neocons, Marxist Jews, or just useful idiots.

The people who once controlled Russia are now on the outside looking in, and they don’t like it. Because Russia has a strong leader, they are unable to do to Russia what they are doing to the U.S today.


 Brother Nathanael Sums It Up:




By horniron

Ordinary American. Born one month before Pearl Harbor. BS in Agriculture, University of Florida. Sixty yrs in the cattle business.  

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